UVM Test

UVM Test

The user-defined test is derived from uvm_test, uvm_test is inherited from uvm_component.

  • The test defines the test scenario for the testbench
  • test class contains the environment, configuration properties, class overrides etc
  • A sequence/sequences are created and started in the test

The UVM testbench is activated when the run_test() method is called, the global run_test() task should be specified inside an initial block.

initial begin

There can be many user-defined test cases.Among multiple test cases, a particular test case can be selected and execute on two methods,
1. by specifying the test name as an argument to run_test();
example: run_test("mem_model_test");
2. by providing the UVM_TESTNAME command line argument
example: <SIMULATION_COMMANDS> +UVM_TESTNAME=mem_model_test

Writing Test

1. The test is written by extending the UVM_TEST,

class mem_model_test extends uvm_test;


  function new(string name = "mem_model_test",uvm_component parent=null);
  endfunction : new

endclass : mem_model_test

2. Declare env and sequence,

  mem_model_env env;
  mem_sequence  seq;

3. Create env and sequence,

  env = mem_model_env::type_id::create("env",this);
  seq = mem_sequence::type_id::create("seq");

4. Start the sequence,


 Complete Test code,

class mem_model_test extends uvm_test;


  mem_model_env env;
  mem_sequence  seq;

  function new(string name = "mem_model_test",uvm_component parent=null);
  endfunction : new

  virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);

    env = mem_model_env::type_id::create("env", this);
    seq = mem_sequence::type_id::create("seq");
  endfunction : build_phase

  task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
  endtask : run_phase

endclass : mem_model_test

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