CVS is Concurrent Versions System.CVS is a version or revision control system, This lets group of people work simultaneously on group of files, Maintenance entire history of source file for each change and allows group members to get updated with latest updates on each files.
cvs <global options> <command name> <command options> <files>
This section will gives most frequently used options and commands of CVS.
Basic Words:
Table of Contents
Repository – The directory storing the master copies of files.
Local Copy – File used locally for editing.
Local Copy – File used locally for editing.
Check out – Taking a file/files from repository to local working directory.
Check in – Updating updated file to Repository.
Revision – Alpha-Numerical tag identifying the version of file.
CVS Command In General:
cvs <global options> <command name> <command options> <files>
Basic Command Set:
cvs co module — > create local copy
cvs update –> updates local/working files and folders to their latest repository versions.
cvs add file –> add file to repository
cvs commit file –> commit the changes made to file
cvs remove file –> remove file from repository
cvs log file –> to get a Full log of all the changes made to a file since it was created,
cvs diff file –> Compare working/local file with the most recent available version in the repository.
cvs history –> to find information about your CVS repositories
cvs status file –> to get the status of working/local file, ex.: up to date, Locally removed, locally modified.