Systemverilog Associative Array

Associative array SystemVerilog

  • Associative array Stores entries in a sparse matrix
  • Associative arrays allocate the storage only when it is used, unless like in the dynamic array we need to allocate memory before using it
  • In associative array index expression is not restricted to integral expressions, but can be of any type
  • An associative array implements a lookup table of the elements of its declared type. The data type to be used as an index serves as the lookup key and imposes an ordering

When the size of the collection is unknown or the data space is sparse, an associative array is a better option.

Dynamic arrays are useful for contiguous collections of variables whose number changes dynamically.

Array Declaration

 data_type array_name [ index_type ];

data_type – data type of the array elements.
array_name – name of the associative array.
index_type – data-type to be used as an index, or *.
* indicates the array is indexed by any integral expression of arbitrary size.

Array Example

 int a_array1[*] ;            // associative array of integer (unspecified index)
 bit [31:0] a_array2[string]; // associative array of 32-bit, indexed by string 
 ev_array [myClass];          //associative array of event,indexed by class
SystemVerilog Associative array
SystemVerilog Associative array

Associative Array Methods

Method Description
num() returns the number of entries in the associative array
delete(index) removes the entry at the specified index.exa_array.delete(index)
exists(index) returns 1 if an element exists at the specified index else returns 0
first(var) assigns the value of first index to the variable var
last(var) assigns the value of last index to the variable var
next(var) assigns the value of next index to the variable var
prev(var) assigns the value of previous index to the variable var

Associative Array Examples

num(), first() and last() method’s

Example-1 : Associative Array Declaration, num(), first() and last() method’s.

module associative_array;
  //array declaration
  int a_array[*];  
  int index;
  initial begin
    //allocating array and assigning value to it 
    repeat(3) begin
      a_array[index] = index*2;

    //num() –Associative array method
    $display("\tNumber of entries in a_array is %0d",a_array.num());
    $display("--- Associative array a_array entries and Values are ---");
    foreach(a_array[i]) $display("\ta_array[%0d] \t = %0d",i,a_array[i]);
    //first()-Associative array method
    $display("\First entry is \t a_array[%0d] = %0d",index,a_array[index]);

    //last()-Associative array method
    $display("\Last entry is \t a_array[%0d] = %0d",index,a_array[index]);

Simulator Output:

Number of entries in a_array is 3
--- Associative array a_array entries and Values are ---
a_array[0] = 0
a_array[4] = 8
a_array[8] = 16
First entry is a_array[0] = 0
Last entry is a_array[8] = 16

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exists(), prev() and last() method’s

Example-2 : Associative Array – exists(), prev() and last() method’s.

module associative_array;
  //array declaration
  int a_array[*];  
  int index;
  initial begin
    //allocating array and assigning value to it 
    repeat(3) begin
      a_array[index] = index*2;
    //exists()-Associative array method
      $display("Index 8 exists in a_array");
      $display("Index 8 doesnt exists in a_array");
    //last()-Associative array method
    $display("Last entry is a_array[%0d] = %0d",index,a_array[index]);
    //prev()-Associative array method
    $display("entry is a_array[%0d] = %0d",index,a_array[index]);
    //next()-Associative array method;
    $display("entry is a_array[%0d] = %0d",index,a_array[index]);

Simulator Output:

Index 8 exists in a_array
Last entry is a_array[8] = 16
entry is a_array[4] = 8
entry is a_array[8] = 16

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bit and string index type

Example-3: Associative Array – bit and string index type.

module associative_array;
  //array declaration
  int a_array1[bit [7:0]]; //index type is bit [7:0] and entry type is int
  bit a_array2[string]   ; //index type is string and entry type is bit
  initial begin
    //allocating array and assigning value to it 
    a_array1[5] = 10;
    a_array1[8] = 20;
    a_array2["GOOD_PKT"] = 1;
    a_array2["BAD_PKT"]  = 0;
      $display("a_array1[%0d] = %0d",index,a_array1[index]);
      $display("a_array2[%0s] = %0d",index,a_array2[index]);

Simulator Output:

a_array1[5] = 10
a_array1[8] = 20
a_array2[BAD_PKT] = 0
a_array2[GOOD_PKT] = 1

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Deleting complete Assoc Array

Example-4: Deleting complete Associative Array

Calling array.delete() method will delete the complete array, which leads to the deletion of all the entries of an array.

module associative_array;
  //array declaration
  int a_array[*];  
  int index;
  initial begin
    //allocating array and assigning value to it 
    repeat(3) begin
      a_array[index] = index*2;
    $display("[Before-Delete] Associative array size is %0d",a_array.size());
    $display("[After -Delete] Associative array size is %0d",a_array.size());    

Simulator Output:

[Before-Delete] Associative array size is 3
[After -Delete] Associative array size is 0

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