How to Run SystemC programs using EDA play ground
Examples are already present for easy understanding SystemC Examples
For example lets consider SystemC counter example,
Below steps to Run the program:
1. Make below settings
Ø Testbench + Design C++/SystemC
Ø Libraries Systemc 2.3.1
Ø Tools and Simulators C++
2. Write Testbench code in testbench.cpp
3. Write Source code in design.cpp
4. Run the program
5. You can view the result in log window
6. If you want to view the waveform
Tick Open EPWave after run
*waveform window appears after the run automatically
delete all the entries of queue systemverilog
Calling queue.delete() method will delete the complete queue, which leads to deletion of all the entries of queue.
queue delete method
module qu_delete;
//queue declaration
int qu[$];
initial begin
$display("[Before-Delete] Queue size is %0d",qu.size());
$display("[After -Delete] Queue size is %0d",qu.size());
Simulator Output
[Before-Delete] Queue size is 4
[After -Delete] Queue size is 0
Click to execute on
Generate Unique Random Values SystemVerilog
In SystemVerilog below is one of the method,
- to generate unique values to set of variables or
- unique elements to an array
This can be achieved using Unique constraint.
Unique constraint can be used to generate unique values across the variables, generate unique elements in an array (Fixed Size Array, Dynamic Array, Associative array and Queue) .
In below example the variables (var_1, var_2 and var_3) are constrained using keyword unique, On randomization which leads to generation of unique values to the variables.
Same way to an array (array), random unique elements can be generated by constraining array with unique keyword.
class unique_elements;
rand bit [3:0] var_1,var_2,var_3;
rand bit [7:0] array[6];
constraint array_c {unique {array};}
function void display();
$display("var_1 = %p",var_1);
$display("var_2 = %p",var_2);
$display("var_3 = %p",var_3);
$display("array = %p",array);
program unique_elements_randomization;
unique_elements pkt;
initial begin
pkt = new();
Simulator Output
var_1 = 8
var_2 = 14
var_3 = 11
array = '{'h81, 'h7b, 'h4, 'h47, 'he1, 'h17}
Click to execute on
module test;
function string get_time();
int file_pointer;
//Stores time and date to file sys_time
void'($system("date +%X--%x > sys_time"));
//Open the file sys_time with read access
file_pointer = $fopen("sys_time","r");
//assin the value from file to variable
//close the file
void'($system("rm sys_time"));
initial begin
$display("Current System Time is %s",get_time());
Simulator Output
Current System Time is 14:39:06--04/25/17
Click to execute on