break and continue
Table of Contents

The execution of a break statement leads to the end of the loop.
break shall be used in all the loop constructs (while, do-while, foreach, for, repeat and forever).
break in while loop
module break_in_while_loop; int i; initial begin $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); i = 8; while(i!=0) begin $display("\tValue of i=%0d",i); if(i == 4) begin $display("\tCalling break,"); break; end i--; end $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); end endmodule
Simulator Output
----------------------------------------------------------------- Value of i=8 Value of i=7 Value of i=6 Value of i=5 Value of i=4 Calling break, -----------------------------------------------------------------
break in do while loop
module break_in_do_while_loop; int i; initial begin $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); i = 8; do begin $display("\tValue of i=%0d",i); if(i == 4) begin $display("\tCalling break,"); break; end i--; end while(i!=0); $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); end endmodule
Simulator Output
----------------------------------------------------------------- Value of i=8 Value of i=7 Value of i=6 Value of i=5 Value of i=4 Calling break, -----------------------------------------------------------------
break in a foreach loop
module foreach_loop_break; int a[4]; initial begin $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); foreach(a[i]) a[i] = i; foreach(a[i]) begin $display("\tValue of a[%0d]=%0d",i,a[i]); if(i == 2) begin $display("\tCalling break,"); break; end end $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); end endmodule
Simulator Output
----------------------------------------------------------------- Value of a[0]=0 Value of a[1]=1 Value of a[2]=2 Calling break, -----------------------------------------------------------------
break in for loop
In below example,
when the loop value equals 4, the break is called this leads to the end of the loop.
module break_in_loop; initial begin $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) begin $display("\tValue of i=%0d",i); if(i == 4) begin $display("\tCalling break,"); break; end end $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); end endmodule
Simulator Output
----------------------------------------------------------------- Value of i=0 Value of i=1 Value of i=2 Value of i=3 Value of i=4 Calling break, -----------------------------------------------------------------
break in repeat loop
module repeat_loop_break; int i; initial begin $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); repeat(5) begin $display("\tValue of i=%0d",i); if(i == 2) begin $display("\tCalling break,"); break; end i++; end $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); end endmodule
Simulator Output
----------------------------------------------------------------- Value of i=0 Value of i=1 Value of i=2 Calling break, -----------------------------------------------------------------
break in forever loop
module forever_loop_break; int i; initial begin $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); i = 5; forever begin $display("\tValue of i=%0d",i); if(i == 2) begin $display("\tCalling break,"); break; end i++; end $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); end endmodule
Simulator Output
----------------------------------------------------------------- Value of i=0 Value of i=1 Value of i=2 Calling break, -----------------------------------------------------------------
Continue in SystemVerilog
Execution of continue statement leads to skip the execution of statements followed by continue and jump to next loop or iteration value.
Continue example
In below example,
when ever the loop value is with in 3 to 6, continue statement will be executed, this leads to skip the execution of display statement after the continue.
module continue_in_loop; initial begin $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) begin if((i > 2) && (i < 7))begin $display("\t\tCalling continue,"); continue; end $display("\t\tAfter Continue\t:: Value of i=%0d",i); end $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); end endmodule
Simulator Output
----------------------------------------------------------------- After Continue :: Value of i=0 After Continue :: Value of i=1 After Continue :: Value of i=2 Calling continue, Calling continue, Calling continue, Calling continue, After Continue :: Value of i=7 -----------------------------------------------------------------