Class Assignment
Object will be created only after doing new to an class handle,
packet pkt_1; pkt_1 = new(); packet pkt_2; pkt_2 = pkt_1;
In the above piece of code,
- an object is created only for pkt_1, pkt_2 is just a handle to the packet
- pkt_1 is assigned to the pkt_2. so only one object has been created, pkt_1 and pkt_2 are two handles both are pointing to the same object
- As both the handles are pointing to the same object any changes made with respect to pkt_1 will reflect on pkt_2

Class assignment example
The below example shows an assigning the object handle to another handle and accessing class properties with it.
class packet; //class properties bit [31:0] addr; bit [31:0] data; bit write; string pkt_type; //constructor function new(); addr = 32'h10; data = 32'hFF; write = 1; pkt_type = "GOOD_PKT"; endfunction //method to display class properties function void display(); $display("---------------------------------------------------------"); $display("\t addr = %0d",addr); $display("\t data = %0h",data); $display("\t write = %0d",write); $display("\t pkt_type = %0s",pkt_type); $display("---------------------------------------------------------"); endfunction endclass module class_assignment; packet pkt_1; packet pkt_2; initial begin pkt_1 = new(); $display("\t**** calling pkt_1 display ****"); pkt_1.display(); //assigning pkt_1 to pkt_2 pkt_2 = pkt_1; $display("\t**** calling pkt_2 display ****"); pkt_2.display(); //changing values with pkt_2 handle pkt_2.addr = 32'hAB; pkt_2.pkt_type = "BAD_PKT"; //changes made with pkt_2 handle will reflect on pkt_1 $display("\t**** calling pkt_1 display ****"); pkt_1.display(); end endmodule
Simulator Output
****calling pkt_1 display**** --------------------------------------------------------- addr = 16 data = ff write = 1 pkt_type = GOOD_PKT --------------------------------------------------------- ****calling pkt_2 display**** --------------------------------------------------------- addr = 16 data = ff write = 1 pkt_type = GOOD_PKT --------------------------------------------------------- ****calling pkt_1 display**** --------------------------------------------------------- addr = 171 data = ff write = 1 pkt_type = BAD_PKT ---------------------------------------------------------