Randomization Methods
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SystemVerilog randomization provides a built-in method randomize. The randomize() method generates random values for all the active random variables of an object, subject to the active constraints. Variables declared with the rand keyword will get random values on the object.randomize() method call.The randomize() method returns 1 if the randomization is successful i.e on randomization it’s able to assign random values to all the random variables, otherwise, it returns 0.
randomize method associated with below callbacks,
- pre_randomize
- post_randomize
pre randomize and post randomize methods
- On calling randomize(), pre_randomize() and post_randomize() functions will get called before and after the randomize call respectively
- Users can override the pre_randomize() and post_randomize() functions
the pre_randomize function can be used to set pre-conditions before the object randomization.
For example, Users can implement randomization control logic in pre_randomize function. i.e randomization enable or disable by using rand_mode() method.
the post_randomization function can be used to check and perform post-conditions after the object randomization.
For example, Users can override the randomized values or can print the randomized values of variables.
randomization method examples
Implementing pre and post randomize methods
In the below example,
pre and post randomized methods are implemented in the class, on calling obj.randomize() pre and post will get called.
class packet; rand bit [7:0] addr; randc bit [7:0] data; //pre randomization function function void pre_randomize(); $display("Inside pre_randomize"); endfunction //post randomization function function void post_randomize(); $display("Inside post_randomize"); $display("value of addr = %0d, data = %0d",addr,data); endfunction endclass module rand_methods; initial begin packet pkt; pkt = new(); pkt.randomize(); end endmodule
Simulator Output
Inside pre_randomize Inside post_randomize value of addr = 110, data = 129
randomization control from pre_randomize method
In the example below,
Paket has two variables, addr, and wr_rd.
assuming wr_rd = 0 read operation.
wr_rd = 1 write operation.
In order to perform write followed by reading to the same addr, randomization of addr is controlled based on the previous randomization value of wr_rd. this controlling is done in pre_randomize() function.
//class class packet; rand bit [7:0] addr; randc bit wr_rd; bit tmp_wr_rd; //pre randomization function - disabling randomization of addr, //if the prevoius operation is write. function void pre_randomize(); if(tmp_wr_rd==1) addr.rand_mode(0); else addr.rand_mode(1); endfunction //post randomization function - store the wr_rd value to tmp_wr_rd //and display randomized values of addr and wr_rd function void post_randomize(); tmp_wr_rd = wr_rd; $display("POST_RANDOMIZATION:: Addr = %0h,wr_rd = %0h",addr,wr_rd); endfunction endclass module rand_methods; initial begin packet pkt; pkt = new(); repeat(4) pkt.randomize(); end endmodule
Simulator Output
POST_RANDOMIZATION:: Addr = 6e,wr_rd = 1 POST_RANDOMIZATION:: Addr = 6e,wr_rd = 0 POST_RANDOMIZATION:: Addr = 88,wr_rd = 1 POST_RANDOMIZATION:: Addr = 88,wr_rd = 0