fork join_none
As in the case of Fork-Join and Fork-Join_any fork block is blocking, but in case of Fork-Join_none fork block will be non-blocking.
Processes inside the fork-join_none block will be started at the same time, fork block will not wait for the completion of the Process inside the fork-join_none.

fork join none example
In the below example,
The fork will start Process-1 and Process-2 at the same time, and it will come out of the block. Process-1 and Process-2 will be executed until the completion.
module fork_join_none; initial begin $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); fork //Process-1 begin $display($time,"\tProcess-1 Started"); #5; $display($time,"\tProcess-1 Finished"); end //Process-2 begin $display($time,"\tProcess-2 Startedt"); #20; $display($time,"\tProcess-2 Finished"); end join_none $display($time,"\tOutside Fork-Join_none"); $display("-----------------------------------------------------------------"); end endmodule
Simulator Output
----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Outside Fork-Join_none ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Process-1 Started 0 Process-2 Startedt 5 Process-1 Finished 20 Process-2 Finished