Non Blocking TLM port Imp port connection

Nonblocking TLM port and Imp Port

NonBlocking Port Imp Port
NonBlocking Port Imp Port

This example shows how to declare, create and connect the TLM non-blocking ports, implementing and using the TLM non-blocking methods. In this example blocking ports of the previous example (Connecting TLM Port and Imp Port) are replaced with the non-blocking ports. It is preferred to refer to Connecting TLM Port and Imp Port example before going through this example.

Below are the steps to implement a TLM Communication mechanism between comp_a and comp_b.

  • Declare and Create TLM Port in comp_a
  • Declare and Create TLM Imp Port in comp_b
  • Connect TLM Port and Imp Port in env
  • Call interface method in comp_a to send the transaction
  • Implement interface methods in comp_b to receive the transaction

TLM TesetBench Components are,

Name                    Type
uvm_test_top        basic_test
env                    environment
comp_a         component_a
trans_out   uvm_nonblocking_put_port
comp_b         component_b
trans_in     uvm_nonblocking_put_imp

Declare and Create TLM Port in comp_a

class component_a extends uvm_component;
  //Step-1. Declaring Non-blocking port
  uvm_nonblocking_put_port #(transaction) trans_out;
  // Constructor
  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
    trans_out = new("trans_out", this);  //Step-2. Creating the port
  endfunction : new
  // run_phase
  virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
  endtask : run_phase
endclass : component_a

Declare and Create TLM Port in comp_b

class component_b extends uvm_component;
  transaction trans;
  //Step-1. Declaring nonblocking put imp port
  uvm_nonblocking_put_imp #(transaction,component_b) trans_in; 
  // Constructor
  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
    trans_in = new("trans_in", this);  //Step-2. Creating the port
  endfunction : new
endclass : component_b

Connect TLM Port and Imp Port in env

function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
  //Step-1, Connecting the ports
endfunction : connect_phase

Call interface method in comp_a to send the transaction

As the port declared is a nonblocking port, the try_put method has to be used for sending the transaction packet.


Implement an interface method in comp_b to receive the transaction

1. In order to receive the transaction on nonblocking imp port try_put and can_put methods has to be implemented.

As the port is nonblocking, methods should be implemented as function not task.

In the blocking example, the put method is implemented as a task.

virtual function try_put(transaction trans);
  `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Inside try_put method"),UVM_LOW)
  `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Recived trans On IMP Port"),UVM_LOW)
  `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Printing trans, \n %s",trans.sprint()),UVM_LOW)
virtual function bit can_put();

* Implementing and using of can_put is shown in the next example

2. Complete comp_b code

class component_b extends uvm_component;
  transaction trans;
  uvm_nonblocking_put_imp#(transaction,component_b) trans_in; 
  // Constructor
  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);, parent);
    trans_in = new("trans_in", this);
  endfunction : new
  // Imp port try_put method
  virtual function bit try_put(transaction trans);
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Inside try_put method"),UVM_LOW)
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Recived trans On IMP Port"),UVM_LOW)
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Printing trans, \n %s",trans.sprint()),UVM_LOW)
  // Imp port can_put method
  virtual function bit can_put();
endclass : component_b

Simulator Output

UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test basic_test...
Name Type Size Value
uvm_test_top basic_test - @1839
 env environment - @1908
 comp_a component_a - @1940
 trans_out uvm_nonblocking_put_port - @1975
 comp_b component_b - @2008
 trans_in uvm_nonblocking_put_imp - @2043
UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_a [component_a] tranaction randomized
UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_a [component_a] Printing trans, 
Name Type Size Value
trans transaction - @1135
 addr integral 4 'he 
 wr_rd integral 1 'h0 
 wdata integral 8 'h4 

UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_a [component_a] Before calling port put method
UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_b [component_b] Inside try_put method
UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_b [component_b] Recived trans On IMP Port
UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_b [component_b] Printing trans, 
Name Type Size Value
trans transaction - @1135
 addr integral 4 'he 
 wr_rd integral 1 'h0 
 wdata integral 8 'h4 

UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_a [component_a] After calling port put method
UVM_INFO /playground_lib/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_objection.svh(1271) @ 0: reporter [TEST_DONE] 
UVM_INFO /playground_lib/uvm-1.2/src/base/uvm_report_server.svh(847) @ 0: reporter [UVM/REPORT/SERVER]

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The next example shows the implementation of the can_put() method.
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