UVM Monitor
- The user-defined monitor is extended from uvm_monitor, uvm_monitor is inherited by uvm_component
- A monitor is a passive entity that samples the DUT signals through the virtual interface and converts the signal level activity to the transaction level
- Monitor samples DUT signals but does not drive them
The monitor should have an analysis port (TLM port) and a virtual interface handle that points to DUT signals.
Writing Monitor :
1. The monitor is written by extending the UVM_MONITOR,
class mem_monitor extends uvm_monitor; `uvm_component_utils(mem_monitor) // new - constructor function new (string name, uvm_component parent); super.new(name, parent); trans_collected = new(); item_collected_port = new("item_collected_port", this); endfunction : new endclass : mem_monitor
2. Declare virtual interface,
// Virtual Interface virtual mem_if vif;
3. Connect interface to Virtual interface by using get method,
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); if(!uvm_config_db#(virtual mem_if)::get(this, "", "vif", vif)) `uvm_fatal("NOVIF",{"virtual interface must be set for: ",get_full_name(),".vif"}); endfunction: build_phase
4. Declare analysis port,
uvm_analysis_port #(mem_seq_item) item_collected_port;
5. Declare seq_item handle, Used as a place holder for sampled signal activity,
mem_seq_item trans_collected;
6. Add Sampling logic in run_phase,
7. After sampling, by using the write method send the sampled transaction packet to the scoreboard,
Complete monitor code,
class mem_monitor extends uvm_monitor; // Virtual Interface virtual mem_if vif; uvm_analysis_port #(mem_seq_item) item_collected_port; // Placeholder to capture transaction information. mem_seq_item trans_collected; `uvm_component_utils(mem_monitor) // new - constructor function new (string name, uvm_component parent); super.new(name, parent); trans_collected = new(); item_collected_port = new("item_collected_port", this); endfunction : new function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); super.build_phase(phase); if(!uvm_config_db#(virtual mem_if)::get(this, "", "vif", vif)) `uvm_fatal("NOVIF",{"virtual interface must be set for: ",get_full_name(),".vif"}); endfunction: build_phase // run phase virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); item_collected_port.write(trans_collected); endtask : run_phase endclass : mem_monitor