Data types is designed to represent the data storage and transmission elements.Value Set.
Verilog supports four values.
Value Condition in Hardware
0 logic Zero, False condition
1 logic One, True condition
x Unknown logic value
z High impledence/Floating stateThere are two main groups of data types based on way that they are assigned and hold the values, also represent different hardware structures :
1.Net data types.
2.Variable data types
1. Net data Types:
Net is not a keyword, but represents a class of data types such as wire, wand, wor, tri, triand, trior, tri0, tri1 etc.
The net data types shall represent physical connections between structural entities, such as gates.
A net shall not store a value (except for the trireg net).
Value of net is based on drivers, such as a continuous assignment or a gate.
Undriven net shall have a value of high-impedance (z)
wire a; //wire a
wire a = 0; //Wire a, with initialized to ‘0’
2. Variable data types:
Variable is not a keyword, but represents a class of data types such as integer, real, realtime, reg, time etc.
A variable is an abstraction of a data storage element.
it stores the value until next assignment.
Uninitialized value of variables is Unknown Value (x) except real and realtime (shall be 0.0).
Sclar – One bit width data type
Vector – multiple bit width data type
Data type (Net/variable) can be decalred as vectors.
if bit width is not specified, default is one bit width.
wirea; //Scalar
wire [2:0] b; //wire b, with width three-bit. Vector
rega; //Scalar
reg [2:0] b; //reg b, with width three-bit. Vector
More on Variable Data Types:
regs are declared by the keyword reg
default value of reg data type is ‘x’
integers are declared by the keyword integer
An integer is a general-purpose variable used for manipulating quantities
A time variable is used for storing and manipulating simulation time quantities (Usefull for debugging purposes)
real are declared by the keyword real
Used to to store real value, can be specified in decimal notation (ex. 1.23) or scentific notaion (ex. 2e3 or 2 X 10^3)
An array is a group of elements that can be 1-bit or n-bit wide.
Array can be dclared for both NET and Variable data types.
Array Declaration:
<data_type> <v_width> <v_name> <v_depth>;
reg var_1; //var with width 1-bit
reg var_2[31:0]; //array of 32 elements with each element width 1-bit
reg var_2[0:31]; //array of 32 elements with each element width 1-bit
reg var_3[32]; //Invalid declaration
reg [1:0] var_4[31:0]; //array of 32 elements with each element width 2-bit
reg [0:1] var_4[31:0]; //array of 32 elements with each element width 2-bit
reg var_5 [1:0][2:0]; //two dimensional array 2×3 with each element width 1-bit
reg [0:1] var_6 [1:0][2:0]; //two dimensional array 2×3 with each element width 2-bit
Array assignmnet:
var_1 = 0;
var_2 = 0; //Invalid assignment – attempt to assign to complete array
var_2[0] = 0; //Assigning ‘0’ to 0th index of array
var_4[2] = 2; //Assigning ‘2’ to 3rd index of array
var_5[1][0] = 1; //Assigning ‘1’ to [0]th index of [1] array
Parameters do not belong to either the variable or the net data type group.
Parameters are not variables, they are constants.
Parameters are declared with the keyword parameter.
parameter abc = 6; //defines abc as constant value 6
parameter def = 6.3; //defines def as real parameter