Parameterized Classes
Parameterized classes are same as the parameterized modules in the verilog. parameters are like constants local to that particular class.
The parameter value can be used to define a set of attributes in class. default values can be overridden by passing a new set of parameters during instantiation. this is called parameter overriding.
//---- class ---- class packet #(parameter int ADDR_WIDTH = 32,DATA_WIDTH = 32); bit [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] address; bit [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data ; function new(); address = 10; data = 20; endfunction endclass
packet pkt;
–> creates pkt handle with default ADDR_WIDTH and DATA_WIDTH values.
The default parameter value can be overridden when the class is instantiated.
packet #(32,64) pkt;
–> creates pkt handle with ADDR_WIDTH = 32 and DATA_WIDTH = 64.
Pass a data type to a class
class packet #(parameter type T = int); T address; T data ; function new(); address = 10; data = 20; endfunction endclass
packet pkt;
–> address and data type is int
packet #(bit [31:0]) pkt;
–> address and data type is bit [31:0]
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