The event specification used to synchronize the clocking block, @(posedge clk) is the clocking event.
Clocking signal
Signals sampled and driven by the clocking block, from_DUT and to_DUT are the clocking signals,
Clocking skew
Clocking skew specifies the moment (w.r.t clock edge) at which input and output clocking signals are to be sampled or driven respectively. A skew must be a constant expression and can be specified as a parameter.
In the above example, the delay values #1 and #2 are clocking skews.
Input and Output skews
Input (or inout) signals are sampled at the designated clock event. If an input skew is specified then the signal is sampled at skew time units before the clock event. Similarly, output (or inout) signals are driven skew simulation time units after the corresponding clock event.
Input and Output Skew
A skew must be a constant expression and can be specified as a parameter. In case if the skew does not specify a time unit, the current time unit is used.
The clocking event of a clocking block is available directly by using the clocking block name, regardless of the actual clocking event used to declare the clocking block.
SystemVerilog Modport. The Modport groups and specifies the port directions to the wires/signals declared within the interface. modports are declared inside the interface with the keyword modport.
By specifying the port directions, modport provides access restrictions
The keyword modport indicates that the directions are declared as if inside the module
Modport wire declared with input is not allowed to drive or assign, any attempt to drive leads to a compilation error
The Interface can have any number of modports, the wire declared in the interface can be grouped in many modports
Modpports can have, input, inout, output, and ref
Declaring modport
Below code shows the declaration of modport inside the interface. It has two modports with the name driver and monitor.
It groups the signals a and b with the access direction input and output respectively.
monitor modport
It groups the signals a and b with the access restricted to input for both the signals. As the monitor need only monitoring the signals, driving access is restricted by specifying direction as input.
Accessing Modport
wires declared in the modport are accessed as,
Modport example
Use of modport
This example is a continuation of a virtual interface example.
In the below example, driver modport is defined with a, b as outputs and c as output.
In the env file signals are accessed using interface.modport.<signal>.
//Defining modport in interface
interface intf();
//declaring the signals
logic [3:0] a;
logic [3:0] b;
logic [6:0] c;
modport driver (output a, b, input c);
//driving using modort
//run task
task run;
vif.driver.a = 6;
vif.driver.b = 4;
$display("Value of a = %0d, b = %0d",vif.driver.a,vif.driver.b);
$display("Sum of a and b, c = %0d",vif.driver.c);
In the below example, the modport signals defined with the direction as input are driven in the run task, which leads to a compilation error.
//Defining modport in interface with the direction inut
interface intf();
//declaring the signals
logic [3:0] a;
logic [3:0] b;
logic [6:0] c;
modport driver (input a, b, c);
//driving using modort
//run task
task run;
vif.driver.a = 6;
vif.driver.b = 4;
$display("Value of a = %0d, b = %0d",vif.driver.a,vif.driver.b);
$display("Sum of a and b, c = %0d",vif.driver.c);
Simulator Output
Error-[MPCBD] Modport port cannot be driven, 18
$unit, "vif.driver.a"
Port 'a' of modport 'driver' has been restricted as an input port. Input
ports cannot be driven.
Error-[MPCBD] Modport port cannot be driven, 19
$unit, "vif.driver.b"
Port 'b' of modport 'driver' has been restricted as an input port. Input
ports cannot be driven.
A virtual interface is a variable that represents an interface instance.
The virtual interface must be initialized before using it. i.e, Virtual interface must be connected/pointed to the actual interface
Accessing the uninitialized virtual interface result in a run-time fatal error
Virtual interfaces can be declared as class properties, which can be initialized procedural or by an argument to new()
The virtual interfaces can be passed as arguments to the tasks, functions, or methods
All the interface variables/Methods can be accessed via a virtual interface handle. i.e virtual_interface.variable
A single virtual interface variable can thus represent different interface instances at different times throughout the simulation
Only the following operations are directly allowed on virtual interface variables,
Assignment ( = ) to and Equality ( == ), inequality ( != ) with,
another virtual interface of the same type
an interface instance of the same type
the special constant null
What is the need for a virtual interface in SystemVerilog?
SystemVerilog interface is static in nature, whereas classes are dynamic in nature. because of this reason, it is not allowed to declare the interface within classes, but it is allowed to refer to or point to the interface. A virtual interface is a variable of an interface type that is used in classes to provide access to the interface signals.
virtual interface_name instance_name;
Virtual Interface example
The below example shows the declaration of a virtual interface, connecting the virtual interface to an interface, and accessing interface signals with a virtual interface handle.
Virtual Interface declaration
//virtual interface
virtual intf vif;
Connecting virtual interface with interface
function new(virtual intf vif);
//get the interface from test
this.vif = vif;
Accessing interface signal using a virtual interface handle
vif.a = 6;
vif.b = 4;
$display("Value of a = %0d, b = %0d",vif.a,vif.b);
$display("Sum of a and b, c = %0d",vif.c);
Complete env code
class environment;
//virtual interface
virtual intf vif;
function new(virtual intf vif);
//get the interface from test
this.vif = vif;
//run task
task run;
vif.a = 6;
vif.b = 4;
$display("Value of a = %0d, b = %0d",vif.a,vif.b);
$display("Sum of a and b, c = %0d",vif.c);
TestCase Code
Testcase receives the interface handle from the testcase and passes it to env.
program test(intf i_intf);
//declaring environment instance
environment env;
initial begin
//creating environment
env = new(i_intf);
//calling run of env;
tbench_top Code
tbench_to is the top file, in which design instance, interface instance, and the test case is instantiated.
module tbench_top;
//creatinng instance of interface
intf i_intf();
//Testcase instance
test t1(i_intf);
//DUT instance, interface signals are connected to the DUT ports
adder DUT (
In Verilog, the communication between blocks is specified using module ports. SystemVerilog adds the interface construct which encapsulates the communication between blocks. An interface is a bundle of signals or nets through which a testbench communicates with a design. A virtual interface is a variable that represents an interface instance. this section describes the interface, interface over traditional method and virtual interface.
Interface Construct
The interface construct is used to connect the design and testbench.
without Interface
Above diagram shows connecting design and testbench without interface.
SystemVerilog Interface
Above diagram shows connecting design and testbench with the interface.
An interface is a named bundle of wires, the interfaces aim is to encapsulate communication.
Also specifies the,
directional information, i.e modports
timing information, i.e clocking blocks
An interface can have parameters, constants, variables, functions, and tasks.
modports and clocking blocks are explained in later chapters.
An interface can be instantiated hierarchically like a module, with or without ports.
interface_name inst_name;
An interface can have parameters, constants, variables, functions, and tasks.
Advantages of the interface over the traditional connection,
allows the number of signals to be grouped together and represented as a single port, the single port handle is passed instead of multiple signal/ports.
interface declaration is made once and the handle is passed across the modules/components.
addition and deletion of signals are easy.
Connecting testbench and design without interface construct,
In the example below,
Testbench has a design instance and testcase instance, both are connected through wires.
Inside Testcase, the environment is created and signals are passed to below hierarchy (To drive/sample the stimulus).
env again passes signals down the hierarchy, and it goes on.
For any addition or deletion of signal/signals, it is required to add/delete in many places. This problem can be overcome by usingan interface construct.
Memory Model TestBench Without Monitor, Agent, and Scoreboard
TestBench Architecture
SystemVerilog TestBench
Transaction Class
Fields required to generate the stimulus are declared in the transaction class
Transaction class can also be used as a placeholder for the activity monitored by the monitor on DUT signals
So, the first step is to declare the Fields‘ in the transaction class
Below are the steps to write a transaction class
1. Declaring the fields.
class transaction;
//declaring the transaction items
bit [1:0] addr;
bit wr_en;
bit rd_en;
bit [7:0] wdata;
bit [7:0] rdata;
bit [1:0] cnt;
2. To generate the random stimulus, declare the fields as rand.
class transaction;
//declaring the transaction items
rand bit [1:0] addr;
rand bit wr_en;
rand bit rd_en;
rand bit [7:0] wdata;
bit [7:0] rdata;
bit [1:0] cnt;
3. Either write or read operation will be performed at once, so wr_en or rd_en is generated by adding constraint.
class transaction;
//declaring the transaction items
rand bit [1:0] addr;
rand bit wr_en;
rand bit rd_en;
rand bit [7:0] wdata;
bit [7:0] rdata;
bit [1:0] cnt;
//constaint, to generate any one among write and read
constraint wr_rd_c { wr_en != rd_en; };
Generator Class
Generator class is responsible for,
Generating the stimulus by randomizing the transaction class
Sending the randomized class to driver
class generator;
1. Declare the transaction class handle,
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
2. Randomize the transaction class,
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
//main task, generates(create and randomizes) the packets and puts into mailbox
task main();
trans = new();
if( !trans.randomize() ) $fatal("Gen:: trans randomization failed");
3. Mailbox is used to send the randomized transaction to Driver,
This involves,
Declaring the Mailbox
Getting the Mailbox handle from the env class. ( because the same mailbox will be shared across generator and driver)
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
//declaring mailbox
mailbox gen2driv;
function new(mailbox gen2driv);
//getting the mailbox handle from env
this.gen2driv = gen2driv;
//main task, generates(create and randomizes) the packets and puts into mailbox
task main();
trans = new();
if( !trans.randomize() ) $fatal("Gen:: trans randomization failed");
4. Adding a variable to control the number of packets to be created,
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
//declaring mailbox
mailbox gen2driv;
//repeat count, to specify number of items to generate
int repeat_count;
function new(mailbox gen2driv);
//getting the mailbox handle from env
this.gen2driv = gen2driv;
//main task, generates(create and randomizes) the repeat_count number of transaction packets and puts into mailbox
task main();
repeat(repeat_count) begin
trans = new();
if( !trans.randomize() ) $fatal("Gen:: trans randomization failed");
5. Adding an event to indicate the completion of the generation process, the event will be triggered on the completion of the Generation process.
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
//declaring mailbox
mailbox gen2driv;
//repeat count, to specify number of items to generate
int repeat_count;
event ended;
function new(mailbox gen2driv,event ended);
//getting the mailbox handle from env
this.gen2driv = gen2driv;
this.ended = ended;
//main task, generates(create and randomizes) the repeat_count number of transaction packets and puts into mailbox
task main();
repeat(repeat_count) begin
trans = new();
if( !trans.randomize() ) $fatal("Gen:: trans randomization failed");
-> ended;
Interface will group the signals, specifies the direction (Modport) and Synchronize the signals(Clocking Block).
3. Adding a drive task to drive the transaction packet to the interface signal
//drive the transaction items to interface signals
task drive;
forever begin
transaction trans;
`DRIV_IF.wr_en <= 0;
`DRIV_IF.rd_en <= 0;
$display("--------- [DRIVER-TRANSFER: %0d] ---------",no_transactions);
@(posedge mem_vif.DRIVER.clk);
`DRIV_IF.addr <= trans.addr;
if(trans.wr_en) begin
`DRIV_IF.wr_en <= trans.wr_en;
`DRIV_IF.wdata <= trans.wdata;
$display("\tADDR = %0h \tWDATA = %0h",trans.addr,trans.wdata);
@(posedge mem_vif.DRIVER.clk);
if(trans.rd_en) begin
`DRIV_IF.rd_en <= trans.rd_en;
@(posedge mem_vif.DRIVER.clk);
`DRIV_IF.rd_en <= 0;
@(posedge mem_vif.DRIVER.clk);
trans.rdata = `DRIV_IF.rdata;
$display("\tADDR = %0h \tRDATA = %0h",trans.addr,`DRIV_IF.rdata);
4. Adding a local variable to track the number of packets driven, and increment the variable in drive task
will be useful to end the test-case/Simulation. i.e compare the
generated pkt’s and driven pkt’s, if both are same then end the
//used to count the number of transactions
int no_transactions;
//drive the transaction items to interface signals
task drive;
5. Complete driver code.
class driver;
//used to count the number of transactions
int no_transactions;
//creating virtual interface handle
virtual mem_intf mem_vif;
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox gen2driv;
function new(virtual mem_intf mem_vif,mailbox gen2driv);
//getting the interface
this.mem_vif = mem_vif;
//getting the mailbox handle from environment
this.gen2driv = gen2driv;
//Reset task, Reset the Interface signals to default/initial values
task reset;
$display("--------- [DRIVER] Reset Started ---------");
`DRIV_IF.wr_en <= 0;
`DRIV_IF.rd_en <= 0;
`DRIV_IF.addr <= 0;
`DRIV_IF.wdata <= 0;
$display("--------- [DRIVER] Reset Ended---------");
//drive the transaction items to interface signals
task drive;
forever begin
transaction trans;
`DRIV_IF.wr_en <= 0;
`DRIV_IF.rd_en <= 0;
$display("--------- [DRIVER-TRANSFER: %0d] ---------",no_transactions);
@(posedge mem_vif.DRIVER.clk);
`DRIV_IF.addr <= trans.addr;
if(trans.wr_en) begin
`DRIV_IF.wr_en <= trans.wr_en;
`DRIV_IF.wdata <= trans.wdata;
$display("\tADDR = %0h \tWDATA = %0h",trans.addr,trans.wdata);
@(posedge mem_vif.DRIVER.clk);
if(trans.rd_en) begin
`DRIV_IF.rd_en <= trans.rd_en;
@(posedge mem_vif.DRIVER.clk);
`DRIV_IF.rd_en <= 0;
@(posedge mem_vif.DRIVER.clk);
trans.rdata = `DRIV_IF.rdata;
$display("\tADDR = %0h \tRDATA = %0h",trans.addr,`DRIV_IF.rdata);
Environment is container class contains Mailbox, Generator and Driver.
Creates the mailbox, generator and driver shares the mailbox handle across the Generator and Driver.
class environment;
1. Declare the handles,
//generator and driver instance
generator gen;
driver driv;
//mailbox handle's
mailbox gen2driv;
//event for synchronization between generator and test
event gen_ended;
//virtual interface
virtual mem_intf mem_vif;
2. In Construct Method, Create
and pass the interface handle through the new() method.
function new(virtual mem_intf mem_vif);
//get the interface from test
this.mem_vif = mem_vif;
//creating the mailbox (Same handle will be shared across generator and driver)
gen2driv = new();
//creating generator and driver
gen = new(gen2driv,gen_ended);
driv = new(mem_vif,gen2driv);
3. For better accessibility.
Generator and Driver activity can be divided and controlled in three methods.
pre_test() – Method to call Initialization. i.e, reset method.
test() – Method to call Stimulus Generation and Stimulus Driving.
post_test() – Method to wait the completion of generation and driving.
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
class environment;
//generator and driver instance
generator gen;
driver driv;
//mailbox handle's
mailbox gen2driv;
//event for synchronization between generator and test
event gen_ended;
//virtual interface
virtual mem_intf mem_vif;
function new(virtual mem_intf mem_vif);
//get the interface from test
this.mem_vif = mem_vif;
//creating the mailbox (Same handle will be shared across generator and driver)
gen2driv = new();
//creating generator and driver
gen = new(gen2driv,gen_ended);
driv = new(mem_vif,gen2driv);
task pre_test();
task test();
task post_test();
wait(gen.repeat_count == driv.no_transactions);
//run task
task run;
Test code is written with the program block.
The test is responsible for,
Creating the environment.
Configuring the testbench i.e, setting the type and number of transactions to be generated.
Initiating the stimulus driving.
program test;
1. Declare and Create an environment,
//declaring environment instance
environment env;
initial begin
//creating environment
env = new(intf);
2. Configure the number of transactions to be generated,
//setting the repeat count of generator as 10, means to generate 10 packets
env.gen.repeat_count = 10;
3. Initiating the stimulus driving,
//calling run of env, it interns calls generator and driver main tasks.;
4. Complete Test Code,
`include ""
program test(mem_intf intf);
//declaring environment instance
environment env;
initial begin
//creating environment
env = new(intf);
//setting the repeat count of generator as 10, means to generate 10 packets
env.gen.repeat_count = 10;
//calling run of env, it interns calls generator and driver main tasks.;
TestBench Top
This is the topmost file, which connects the DUT and TestBench.
TestBench top consists of DUT, Test and Interface instances.
The interface connects the DUT and TestBench.
module tbench_top;
1. Declare and Generate the clock and reset,
//clock and reset signal declaration
bit clk;
bit reset;
//clock generation
always #5 clk = ~clk;
//reset Generation
initial begin
reset = 1;
#5 reset =0;
2. Create Interface instance,
//creatinng instance of interface, inorder to connect DUT and testcase
mem_intf intf(clk,reset);
3. Create Design Instance and Connect Interface signals,
//DUT instance, interface signals are connected to the DUT ports
memory DUT (
4. Create a test instance and Pass the interface handle,
//Testcase instance, interface handle is passed to test as an argument
test t1(intf);
5. Add logic to generate the dump,
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
6. Complete testbench top code,
`include ""
`include ""
module tbench_top;
//clock and reset signal declaration
bit clk;
bit reset;
//clock generation
always #5 clk = ~clk;
//reset Generation
initial begin
reset = 1;
#5 reset =0;
//creatinng instance of interface, inorder to connect DUT and testcase
mem_intf intf(clk,reset);
//Testcase instance, interface handle is passed to test as an argument
test t1(intf);
//DUT instance, interface signals are connected to the DUT ports
memory DUT (
//enabling the wave dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
Edit and Execute the Memory Model TestBench code in EDA Playground.
Samples the interface signals and converts the signal level activity to the transaction level
Send the sampled transaction to Scoreboard via Mailbox
Below are the steps to write a monitor
1. Writing monitor class.
class monitor;
2. Declare interface and mailbox, Get the interface and mailbox handle through the constructor.
//creating virtual interface handle
virtual mem_intf mem_vif;
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox mon2scb;
function new(virtual intf vif,mailbox mon2scb);
//getting the interface
this.vif = vif;
//getting the mailbox handles from environment
this.mon2scb = mon2scb;
3. Sampling logic and sending the sampled transaction to the scoreboard
task main;
forever begin
transaction trans;
trans = new();
@(posedge mem_vif.MONITOR.clk);
wait(`MON_IF.rd_en || `MON_IF.wr_en);
trans.addr = `MON_IF.addr;
trans.wr_en = `MON_IF.wr_en;
trans.wdata = `MON_IF.wdata;
if(`MON_IF.rd_en) begin
trans.rd_en = `MON_IF.rd_en;
@(posedge mem_vif.MONITOR.clk);
@(posedge mem_vif.MONITOR.clk);
trans.rdata = `MON_IF.rdata;
4. Complete monitor code.
`define MON_IF mem_vif.MONITOR.monitor_cb
class monitor;
//creating virtual interface handle
virtual mem_intf mem_vif;
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox mon2scb;
function new(virtual mem_intf mem_vif,mailbox mon2scb);
//getting the interface
this.mem_vif = mem_vif;
//getting the mailbox handles from environment
this.mon2scb = mon2scb;
//Samples the interface signal and send the sample packet to scoreboard
task main;
forever begin
transaction trans;
trans = new();
@(posedge mem_vif.MONITOR.clk);
wait(`MON_IF.rd_en || `MON_IF.wr_en);
trans.addr = `MON_IF.addr;
trans.wr_en = `MON_IF.wr_en;
trans.wdata = `MON_IF.wdata;
if(`MON_IF.rd_en) begin
trans.rd_en = `MON_IF.rd_en;
@(posedge mem_vif.MONITOR.clk);
@(posedge mem_vif.MONITOR.clk);
trans.rdata = `MON_IF.rdata;
Scoreboard receives the sampled packet from monitor,
if the transaction type is “read”, compares the read data with the local memory data
if the transaction type is “write”, local memory will be written with the wdata
class scoreboard;
1. Declaring the mailbox and variable to keep count of transactions, connecting handle through the constructor,
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox mon2scb;
//used to count the number of transactions
int no_transactions;
function new(mailbox mon2scb);
//getting the mailbox handles from environment
this.mon2scb = mon2scb;
2. logic to store wdata and compare rdata with stored data,
//stores wdata and compare rdata with stored data
task main;
transaction trans;
forever begin
if(trans.rd_en) begin
if(mem[trans.addr] != trans.rdata)
$error("[SCB-FAIL] Addr = %0h,\n \t Data :: Expected = %0h Actual = %0h",trans.addr,mem[trans.addr],trans.rdata);
$display("[SCB-PASS] Addr = %0h,\n \t Data :: Expected = %0h Actual = %0h",trans.addr,mem[trans.addr],trans.rdata);
else if(trans.wr_en)
mem[trans.addr] = trans.wdata;
3. Complete scoreboard code.
class scoreboard;
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox mon2scb;
//used to count the number of transactions
int no_transactions;
//array to use as local memory
bit [7:0] mem[4];
function new(mailbox mon2scb);
//getting the mailbox handles from environment
this.mon2scb = mon2scb;
foreach(mem[i]) mem[i] = 8'hFF;
//stores wdata and compare rdata with stored data
task main;
transaction trans;
forever begin
if(trans.rd_en) begin
if(mem[trans.addr] != trans.rdata)
$error("[SCB-FAIL] Addr = %0h,\n \t Data :: Expected = %0h Actual = %0h",trans.addr,mem[trans.addr],trans.rdata);
$display("[SCB-PASS] Addr = %0h,\n \t Data :: Expected = %0h Actual = %0h",trans.addr,mem[trans.addr],trans.rdata);
else if(trans.wr_en)
mem[trans.addr] = trans.wdata;
Here only updates are mentioned. i.e adding monitor and scoreboard to the previous example.
and pass the interface handle through the new() method.
function new(virtual mem_intf mem_vif);
//get the interface from test
this.mem_vif = mem_vif;
//creating the mailbox (Same handle will be shared across generator and driver)
gen2driv = new();
mon2scb = new();
//creating generator and driver
gen = new(gen2driv,gen_ended);
driv = new(mem_vif,gen2driv);
mon = new(mem_vif,mon2scb);
scb = new(mon2scb);
SystemVerilog Verification Environment/TestBench for Memory Model
The steps involved in the verification process are,
Creation of Verification plan
Testbench Architecture
Writing TestBench
Before writing/creating the verification plan need to know about design, so will go through the design specification.
* In this example Design/DUT is Memory Model.
Memory Model Design Specification
SystemVerilog Memory Model Design
Signal Definition:
Signal Name
Direction wrt to Design
clock signal
reset signal
Address signal on which the address is specified
write enable signal, indicates the write operation
read enable signal, indicates the read operation
wdata signal for write data
rdata signal for read data
Write Operation:
address, wr_en, and wdata should be driven at the same clock cycle.
Read Operation:
address and rd_en should be driven on the same clock cycle, Design will respond with the data in the next clock cycle.
Design Features,
The Memory model is capable of storing 8bits of data per address location
Reset values of each address memory location is ‘hFF
Creation of Verification plan
The verification plan is the list of scenarios need to be verified.
let’s list the few scenarios,
Write and Read to a particular memory location
Perform write to any memory location, read from the same memory location, read data should be the same as written data
Write and Read to all memory locations
Perform write and read to all the memory locations (as the address is 2bit width the possible address are 2‘b00, 2’b01, 2’b10, and 2’b11)
Default memory value check
Check default memory values. (before writing any locations, do read operation we should get default values as ‘hFF)
Reset in Middle of Write/Read Operation
Assert reset in between write/read operation and check for default values. (after writing to few locations assert the reset and perform read operation, we should get default memory location value ‘hFF)
TestBench Hierarchy and Architecture
SystemVerilog testbench hierarchy to verify “Memory Model”SystemVerilog Testbench block diagram
‘ADDER’ TestBench Without Monitor, Agent and Scoreboard
TestBench Architecture
SystemVerilog simple TestBench block diagram
Transaction Class
Fields required to generate the stimulus are declared in the transaction class.
Transaction class can also be used as a placeholder for the activity monitored by the monitor on DUT signals.
So, the first step is to declare the ‘Fields‘ in the transaction class.
Below are the steps to write the transaction class.
1. Declaring the fields.
class transaction;
//declaring the transaction items
bit [3:0] a;
bit [3:0] b;
bit [6:0] c;
2. To generate the random stimulus, declare the fields as ‘rand‘.
class transaction;
//declaring the transaction items
rand bit [3:0] a;
rand bit [3:0] b;
bit [7:0] c;
3. Adding display() method to display Transaction properties.
class transaction;
//declaring the transaction items
rand bit [3:0] a;
rand bit [3:0] b;
bit [6:0] c;
function void display(string name);
$display("- %s ",name);
$display("- a = %0d, b = %0d",a,b);
$display("- c = %0d",c);
Generator Class
Generator class is responsible for,
Generating the stimulus by randomizing the transaction class
Sending the randomized class to driver
class generator;
1. Declare the transaction class handle,
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
2. ‘Randomize’ the transaction class,
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
//main task, generates(create and randomizes) the packets and puts into mailbox
task main();
trans = new();
if( !trans.randomize() ) $fatal("Gen:: trans randomization failed");
3. Adding Mailbox and event,
Mailbox is used to send the randomized transaction to Driver.
Event to indicate the end of packet generation.
This involves,
Declaring the Mailbox and Event
Getting the Mailbox handle from the env class ( because the same mailbox will be shared across generator and driver).
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
//declaring mailbox
mailbox gen2driv;
//event, to indicate the end of transaction generation
event ended;
function new(mailbox gen2driv);
//getting the mailbox handle from env
this.gen2driv = gen2driv;
//main task, generates(create and randomizes) the packets and puts into mailbox
task main();
trans = new();
if( !trans.randomize() ) $fatal("Gen:: trans randomization failed");
-> ended; //triggering indicatesthe end of generation
4. Adding a variable to control the number of packets to be created,
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
//declaring mailbox
mailbox gen2driv;
//event, to indicate the end of transaction generation
event ended;
//repeat count, to specify number of items to generate
int repeat_count;
function new(mailbox gen2driv);
//getting the mailbox handle from env
this.gen2driv = gen2driv;
//main task, generates(create and randomizes) the repeat_count number of transaction packets and puts into mailbox
task main();
repeat(repeat_count) begin
trans = new();
if( !trans.randomize() ) $fatal("Gen:: trans randomization failed");
-> ended; //triggering indicatesthe end of generation
5. Adding an event to indicate the completion of the generation process, the event will be triggered on the completion of the Generation process.
class generator;
//declaring transaction class
rand transaction trans;
//declaring mailbox
mailbox gen2driv;
//repeat count, to specify number of items to generate
int repeat_count;
//event, to indicate the end of transaction generation
event ended;
function new(mailbox gen2driv);
//getting the mailbox handle from env
this.gen2driv = gen2driv;
//main task, generates(create and randomizes) the repeat_count number of transaction packets and puts into mailbox
task main();
repeat(repeat_count) begin
trans = new();
if( !trans.randomize() ) $fatal("Gen:: trans randomization failed");
-> ended; //triggering indicatesthe end of generation
Interface will group the signals.
This is a simple interface without modport and clocking block.
4. Adding a local variable to track the number of packets driven, and increment the variable in the drive task.
will be useful to end the test-case/Simulation. i.e compare the
generated pkt’s and driven pkt’s if both are same then end the
//used to count the number of transactions
int no_transactions;
//drive the transaction items to interface signals
task drive;
5. Complete driver code.
class driver;
//used to count the number of transactions
int no_transactions;
//creating virtual interface handle
virtual intf vif;
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox gen2driv;
function new(virtual intf vif,mailbox gen2driv);
//getting the interface
this.vif = vif;
//getting the mailbox handles from environment
this.gen2driv = gen2driv;
//Reset task, Reset the Interface signals to default/initial values
task reset;
$display("[ DRIVER ] ----- Reset Started -----");
vif.a <= 0;
vif.b <= 0;
vif.valid <= 0;
$display("[ DRIVER ] ----- Reset Ended -----");
//drivers the transaction items to interface signals
task main;
forever begin
transaction trans;
@(posedge vif.clk);
vif.valid <= 1;
vif.a <= trans.a;
vif.b <= trans.b;
@(posedge vif.clk);
vif.valid <= 0;
trans.c <= vif.c;
@(posedge vif.clk);
trans.display("[ Driver ]");
Environment is container class contains Mailbox, Generator and Driver.
Creates the mailbox, generator and driver shares the mailbox handle across the Generator and Driver.
and pass the interface handle through the new() method.
function new(virtual intf vif);
//get the interface from test
this.vif = vif;
//creating the mailbox (Same handle will be shared across generator and driver)
gen2driv = new();
//creating generator and driver
gen = new(gen2driv);
driv = new(vif,gen2driv);
3. For better accessibility.
Generator and Driver activity can be divided and controlled in three methods.
pre_test() – Method to call Initialization. i.e, reset method.
test() – Method to call Stimulus Generation and Stimulus Driving.
post_test() – Method to wait the completion of generation and driving.
`include ""
`include ""
`include ""
class environment;
//generator and driver instance
generator gen;
driver driv;
//mailbox handle's
mailbox gen2driv;
//virtual interface
virtual intf vif;
function new(virtual intf vif);
//get the interface from test
this.vif = vif;
//creating the mailbox (Same handle will be shared across generator and driver)
gen2driv = new();
//creating generator and driver
gen = new(gen2driv);
driv = new(vif,gen2driv);
task pre_test();
task test();
task post_test();
wait(gen.repeat_count == driv.no_transactions);
//run task
task run;
Test code is written with the program block.
The test is responsible for,
Creating the environment.
Configuring the testbench i.e, setting the type and number of transactions to be generated.
Initiating the stimulus driving.
program test;
1. Declare and Create an environment,
//declaring environment instance
environment env;
initial begin
//creating environment
env = new(intf);
2. Configure the number of transactions to be generated,
//setting the repeat count of generator as 10, means to generate 10 packets
env.gen.repeat_count = 10;
3. Initiating the stimulus driving,
//calling run of env, it interns calls generator and driver main tasks.;
4. Complete Test Code,
`include ""
program test(intf intf);
//declaring environment instance
environment env;
initial begin
//creating environment
env = new(intf);
//setting the repeat count of generator as 10, means to generate 10 packets
env.gen.repeat_count = 10;
//calling run of env, it interns calls generator and driver main tasks.;
TestBench Top
This is the topmost file, which connects the DUT and TestBench.
TestBench top consists of DUT, Test and Interface instances.
The interface connects the DUT and TestBench.
module tbench_top;
1. Declare and Generate the clock and reset,
//clock and reset signal declaration
bit clk;
bit reset;
//clock generation
always #5 clk = ~clk;
//reset Generation
initial begin
reset = 1;
#5 reset =0;
2. Create Interface instance,
//creatinng instance of interface, in-order to connect DUT and testcase
intf intf(clk,reset);
3. Create Design Instance and Connect Interface signals,
//DUT instance, interface signals are connected to the DUT ports
adder DUT (
4. Create a test instance and Pass the interface handle,
//Testcase instance, interface handle is passed to test as an argument
test t1(intf);
5. Add logic to generate the dump,
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
6. Complete testbench top code,
`include ""
`include ""
module tbench_top;
//clock and reset signal declaration
bit clk;
bit reset;
//clock generation
always #5 clk = ~clk;
//reset Generation
initial begin
reset = 1;
#5 reset =0;
//creatinng instance of interface, inorder to connect DUT and testcase
intf i_intf(clk,reset);
//Testcase instance, interface handle is passed to test as an argument
test t1(i_intf);
//DUT instance, interface signals are connected to the DUT ports
adder DUT (
//enabling the wave dump
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
class monitor;
//creating virtual interface handle
virtual intf vif;
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox mon2scb;
function new(virtual intf vif,mailbox mon2scb);
//getting the interface
this.vif = vif;
//getting the mailbox handles from environment
this.mon2scb = mon2scb;
//Samples the interface signal and send the sample packet to scoreboard
task main;
forever begin
transaction trans;
trans = new();
@(posedge vif.clk);
trans.a = vif.a;
trans.b = vif.b;
@(posedge vif.clk);
trans.c = vif.c;
@(posedge vif.clk);
trans.display("[ Monitor ]");
Scoreboard receives the sampled packet from the monitor and compare with the expected result, an error will be reported if the comparison results in a mismatch.
class scoreboard;
1. Declaring the mailbox and variable to keep count of transactions, connecting handle through the constructor,
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox mon2scb;
//used to count the number of transactions
int no_transactions;
function new(mailbox mon2scb);
//getting the mailbox handles from environment
this.mon2scb = mon2scb;
2. logic to compare the received result with the expected result,
Note: As the DUT behavior is simple, a single line is added for generating the expected output.
Complex designs may use the reference model to generate the expected output.
(trans.a+trans.b) == trans.c
//Compares the Actual result with the expected result
task main;
transaction trans;
forever begin
if((trans.a+trans.b) == trans.c)
$display("Result is as Expected");
$error("Wrong Result.\n\tExpeced: %0d Actual: %0d",(trans.a+trans.b),trans.c);
trans.display("[ Scoreboard ]");
3. Complete scoreboard code.
class scoreboard;
//creating mailbox handle
mailbox mon2scb;
//used to count the number of transactions
int no_transactions;
function new(mailbox mon2scb);
//getting the mailbox handles from environment
this.mon2scb = mon2scb;
//Compares the Actual result with the expected result
task main;
transaction trans;
forever begin
if((trans.a+trans.b) == trans.c)
$display("Result is as Expected");
$error("Wrong Result.\n\tExpeced: %0d Actual: %0d",(trans.a+trans.b),trans.c);
trans.display("[ Scoreboard ]");
Here only updates are mentioned. i.e adding monitor and scoreboard to the previous example.
and pass the interface handle through the new() method.
function new(virtual intf vif);
//get the interface from test
this.vif = vif;
//creating the mailbox (Same handle will be shared across generator and driver)
gen2driv = new();
mon2scb = new(); //---NEW CODE---
//creating generator and driver
gen = new(gen2driv);
driv = new(vif,gen2driv);
mon = new(vif,mon2scb); //---NEW CODE---
scb = new(mon2scb); //---NEW CODE---
Let’s Write the SystemVerilog TestBench for the simple design “ADDER”.
Before writing the SystemVerilog TestBench, we will look into the design specification.
Below is the block diagram of ADDER.
“Adder” Design block diagram
Adder is,
fed with the inputs clock, reset, a, b and valid.
has output is c.
The valid signal indicates the valid value on the a and b, On valid signal adder will add the a and b, drives the result in the next clock on c.
Adder add/Sum the 4bit values ‘a’ and ‘b’, and drives the result on c in the next clock.
waveform diagram:
“Adder” Waveform
waveform snapshot from EPWave – EDAPlayground
For the simplicity and ease of understanding, let’s write the two TestBecnh’s,
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